Monday, August 24, 2009

Wisdom, Weekend 4--"The Prom"...

We were the two prego hot momma's at the Wisdom Social Event and AGAIN....I'm very excited to say that at 8 1/2 weeks left in my pregnancy, this is a pre pregnancy dress that I'm sporting. In fact, the last time I wore this, I was in Toronto at Sophie's "What you have in your closet and no place to wear" party!!

And, those of you who remember me from Highschool...I totally had to recreate the pose that Dan and I had at the Snow Ball! Of course Dan and I had shit grins on our face. This is the pose reinvented with my friend Guy! This event was actually quite confronting for me. At first I was realllllyyyy excited about it. Then, there the flood of "no's" when I asked some of my male friends...including Dan to be my "date" for the social event. I totally was going stag as a "single pregnant teen" and dealing with not having a date! This was a whole new experience for date, no making out and nooooo getting lucky! ;-) And THEN, I realized, all my upset was actually about: "IS THIS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS"??? Not desirable to men? Hahahaha! So not true but it was so REAL that being pregnant and single was going to be one no after a no after a no in the world of relationships, intimacy with men. And then Guy said the most profound thing, "Tonya, you do realize this isn't a real prom". I lauhged my ass off about all the significance that went into this just hours before it started.

And of course, we all went out for the "after party". It was so much fun!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jamieson's FIRST Hooded Towel...

Leave it to me to go online to locate the nearest TJ Maxx...I wanted to make sure I new exactly where to go, got the address, plugged it into my GPS and off I went. Happened to need something for the apartment and I came across a Carter's Hooded Towel. It's so cute with the frog and a little chicken to the left (not clearly seen in this photo). Anyway, on my dreaded trip to the laundromat this a.m., I brought it with me to get it all washed and ready to go for less than 10 weeks from now. I've been VERY disceplined....I have only bought like 4 items...included this towel, for under $20.00. I bought him some L.L. Bean boots on sale and 2 Gap shirts and this towel! I mean really, how can you walk by something for $2.99?

Anyway, I'm off to a wedding in RI! What a hot day for an outdoor wedding. This is when I really wish I could have a Pineapple Mojito! YUMMMM!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I'm leaving work Thursday night when this African woman on the sidewalk says, "Excuse me". I stopped, thinking she's going to ask me for directions or something. She said, "Do you have 75 cents? I'm a single mom, trying to take care of my children and it would really help me if you could give me 75 cents". Typically, my automatic thought to myself is, "Get a job, I've struggled too and I'm making it work". Instead, I was compassionate, and acknowledged her for her courage and what it must take to ask for money. I looked in my wallet and gave her all the money I had--which wasn't much because I don't carry a lot of cash on me. She thanked me and off I went.

Later that night, I had Erik's new roommate come by my apartment to unload the last of the stuff from my old apartment. He and I know each other from the Gym I use to go to before I moved--he's a personal trainer. He asked me if I had joined a new gym. I said, "No, walking costs me nothing and I don't have $60.00/month to spend in fitness right now". He paused for a moment and said, "Listen, I would like to make a difference for you. Come join the gym that I'm working for, I won't make any money off you, it will only cost you $20.00/month and I'll train you once a week until maternity leave". Shocked, I said, "Are you kidding me? You'll let me join your gym, train me once a week all for $20.00 a month and no registration fee"? He said, "Absolutely". Then, I remembered giving that woman my last red cent and thought to myself, "Being generous and compassionate with that woman who stopped me, created this opening for me to have generosity come back two fold"!

Amazing what a shift in context of who people are can create in the world!! Go out and be generous and compassionate and transform someone's life! ;-)
Peace & love!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SEVEN and 1/2 Months!!!

Okay, here I am, 30 1/2 weeks in to my pregnancy and sporting an Evan Picone dress that is NOT maternity!! ;-) Yes, I'm very proud! I took this picture before I left this Friday for my trip to NYC for the Introduction Leaders Program 4th Weekend! So it's hot off the press!!!
I spent yesterday sick as a dog home! Started vomitting at 4a.m. and finally got my stomache settled down 1/2 way through the day. I finally surrendered and turned on the A/C in this blasted heat/humidity we've been having. Today, it was 83 degrees in Boston before 8a.m.!!
So, I've got Jamieson started on a Prenatal Curriculum!! LMAO!! Eva bought this system called, Babyplus! She's due in January so I'm the beta site for this system! It's suppose to educate and even help them sleep through the night. Any of you who are interested can find out more information at . I've got the first series of five lessons going on right now. Jamieson is responding to it! He keeps kicking and moving---which is not unusual.
Other than that, I had my glucose test last Friday. Found out yesterday that it came back elevated so they scheduled me next Friday for a fasting and three hours of onsite blood work. I'm the least excited about this. Not because I think anything is wrong but food after midnight the night before!!!!! There will be a revolt from the womb I'm sure of it! He kicks all over the place if I'm the slightest bit hungry! :-)
Anyway, this month has been interesting in watching the changes in how active he is. I watch my belly move all the an alien inside me stretching to get out. It's kind of weird and neat all at once.
Well, enjoy! I'll keep you all posted. By the way, my baby shower is scheduled on September 13th at 2:00. My mother had to let me know to make sure that I'd actually be there--given the busy life I lead! ;-) Hehehe!!! It will be a surprise to see all those that I love there! So, until I post again....xoxoxo!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Well, this is certainly NOT a recent picture, in fact it was exactly a month ago...I'm now behind on photos because I am 29 weeks along....just a week over 7 months! This was the last time I wore this cute purple dress! Booooo whooooo!!! :-) Doesn't look the same with gigantic boobs and a belly like it did when I was in shape, toned and tiny!! Those days are only weeks ahead!! You know, they say that women are pregant 9 months. WRONG...with all the calculations, a woman is actually pregnant--full term--TEN MONTHS! It's nearly a year!

Anyway, I'm all moved in and wanted to share some of the photos. I'm in the beginning stages of decorating. I've been piecing it night by night. My roommate Eva has no idea where I get my energy from. I know listening to friends for years through their pregnancy, that they always had the common complaint, "I'm so exhausted, tired etc". I have only had moments of it. I feel the best I've ever felt. Now, in the beginning, the hormones were my complaint. I had no idea who had invaded my body but when I had violent thoughts of killing people due to episodes of rage and upset, I clearly knew I was not myself! I don't know how many women really tell the truth about their hormonal moments, but let me just say, I am on the other side of it for the most part and thankful that the friends who experienced me in my monstrous moments...Erik and James, thank God you saw through it and still love me! ;-)

Well, I want you to know that my mother is hosting a baby shower for me in Maine on September 13th at 2:00p.m. I think I'm just as excited as I would be if it were a "surprise". There's still the wonder and looking forward to it all---and then there's dealing with the reality that soon, I will be totally responsible for another life! I can't wait! I've been training him in utero that he's 100% responsible for his happiness! So, when he's crying, I will hear it like he's being responsible for his happiness! The last couple of nights he's been keeping me up with his restlessness. I've been singing "lullaby and good night, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm"....I don't know the words but I hum it. It seems to settle the little peanut down and helps me sleep a little better!

Anyway, enjoy the pics! I'll update when I have something a little more current!