Saturday, June 6, 2009

My Belly is finally getting bigger than my Boobs!

Not one of my best photos but the photographer that I was working with didn't seem to care about having me look good---THANKS ERIK!! ;-)

I'm feeling really great. I've gained only 12 lbs and 21 weeks along. The book I've been reading says at 5 months, the baby is about 10 inches long from head to toe...about the length of a big bannana. Jamieson Anthony is VERY active in the womb. He's busy moving all day and rests around dinner and then active just as I'm going to bed. I can now put my hand on my belly and feel him move around. Today, I was laying out in the sun in the late afternoon. I decided that I'm tan only in the front....because I'm always on my back. So, I tried to lay slightly on my stomache and just when I decided it was not a comfortable position, I get this big KICK from the inside like, "Hey, what they heck are you doing to me"?! I laughed and told the little peanut that I got the message! Hahahaha! All the while, giggling.

So, now that I've secured myself in the world of career and making money again, I've been on the hunt for a place to live. My friend Lisa introduced me to her friend Leslie. I went to Leslie's house to meet her and to get a feel for what it would be like to live with her and her daughter. It's a great place just a little more than what I have budgeted to pay. That will be my next mountain to move....finding affordable living.

Well, that's it for now! Love to you all! xoxo

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