Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's a Blizzard out there Charlie Brown!!!!

Here it is...the furry of Ol' Man Winter!!! It hasn't stopped snowing since yesterday and we're getting another blizzard now. I love being in the house, baking, cozy...catching up with friends online or by phone. There's a sense of peace and tranquility. I've got the housemates outside shoveling again! Life is GOOD!!!!

It's days like today, this time of the year that bring me back to fond childhood memories. I'll never forget the countless memories I have of being curled up on the couch next to my cousin Lloyd and Phillip too (I don't clearly remember were Kari and Laura were) and listening to my grandfather read, "Twas the Night Before Christmas"...I can still hear his amazing deep voice that had so much character and love. I also remember Gram plowing in...with all the packages. She and Gramp always had some BIG surprise for my parents....the kind of gift that makes you cry. Every year! Gram was always known for her interesting gifts...always something neat that no one else would ever have. She had the biggest creative mind and loved to buy gifts for people at Christmas...and then pretend like it was no big deal! ;-) I miss them both! Wonderful, amazing childhood memories....good and bad. I remember being sick eating Peach Blossoms....hard pink candy with peanut butter in the middle. Gramp always had them at the house on Christmas Eve and I LOVED them...needless to say, I spent several hours after in the bathroom being sick from all that sugar. To this day, I cannot even smell body goes into complete rejection!

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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