Sunday, May 17, 2009

Through THICK and THIN...

Today as I was going through some pictures, I came across quite a few of the many escapades that Erik and I have had over the years. He's my best "male" friend and has been there for me in my darkest moments through my most beautiful moments. I started to tear up as I laughed at some of the times we've shared. From me going on staff at Landmark Education and the person he chose to be for me and the space he always provided while I was not always the most pleasant person to be with. In fact, I was intollerable! I was SOOOOO intollerable, even I couldn't be with me most days when I was on staff! ;-) Hahahaha! He's been there through my divorce, my move to Boston, my grandmother's death, helping me financially and most recently, my news of being pregnant.

We've traveled parts of the world together! Antigua, Belgium, Holland---the fun times in Amsterdam. The picture above was in one of the castles we toured in Holland. I'll never forget our trip to Antigua. First...our luggage was lost and didn't show up until the following day. Then, we were getting ready to go out and realized that money had been stolen from our hotel room. It took 1/2 a day for the local PD to show up, then when we were being asked questions, the cop said, "You're saying someone came in your room, stole money but didn't take any of your bags of jewelry"? Errrrr!!!!

Then, there have been our many disagreements--and knock down, drag out fights... when we've been soooo RIGHT that the other person was soooo WRONG and were both brought to laughter at the audacity of what we were fighting about.

And, of most recent, he's been my rock that I can crash up against since I found out that I was pregnant. He's seen me be sad, mad, scared, freaked out, excited, name it, he's seen it. He's been there for my first ultrasound shortly after I found out I was pregnant and there during my amniocentisis. And, no matter what, at the end of the day, he loves me for all that I am and all that I'm not and he always stands for my inner beauty and listens to me as a powerful, unstoppable woman.

Thank you Erik, for being in my life, for the beauty you add to my life, for reminding me that I am human with every emotion that is always evoked within me in our many different conversations. Hahahaha! Thank you for being with me through my most difficult times and most joyous moments. Thank you for being generous with your love, committed to our friendship and growing up with me in this amazing journey called LIFE!

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