Thursday, May 7, 2009

The REGISTRY has just begun...give me a scanner and see me have a ton of fun....

Clearly, the only thing "big" about me are my boobs. They've doubled in size and I think before it's all said and done, if I die my hair blond, I might be a Dolly Parton look a like! I think everything will look balanced once I start showing a little more. This is the little peanut at this point in time!

I went to Bangor with my mother yesterday for a hair cut....MONTHS it has been since the last cut. My hair was out of control. So after we both got sassed up, we met my sister, Kari, and headed to Target to do a little "gender neutral" registering. I've waited YEARS to do this. It was like, "point and click"! Hahaha! I added some things and am waiting for the final news on whether it's a boy or it's a girl!!

Anyway, I'm pooped after days of going through things from my storage unit. It's done and I'm glad. Now, it's packing for NYC---leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Monday night! Then, it's amneocintisis on Tuesday! Stay tuned to find out...boy or girl! :-)

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