Either way, the weekend was amazing! I got to share with everyone what I've been up to, my pregnancy. When I started Wisdom back in February, I was pregnant and didn't even know it! Now, six months later, I have been able to see the shift I have had around my pregnancy. One thing was my "blind" attachment to how James "should" be about me being pregnant with his child. I finally got that he's a no to participating the way I WANT him to participate. In the background, I kept wishing and hoping that he would participate the way I "expected". And when he wasn't doing that, I would be upset, boo hoo and cry to Erik and Melissa---who wouldn't get enrolled in it! I would make him wrong about everything and anything, etc. I was able to really be responsible for all my suffering and upset when he wasn't showing up like I was hoping he would, or expecting he would by getting it was ME who was creating it all. I have literally disappeared being upset because I was the one creating the expectations. :-)
The other thing that shifted for me is: I got a job!!! I had a conversation shortly after I found out that I was pregnant that, "No one will hire me because I'm pregant"! Ha, ha, ha! When I shifted that conversation to, "I have a lot to offer a company and being pregnant will not impact my performance or the results I can produce", I had a job in a week and a half.
So, after this weekend, I'm excited to really take on the next level of expansion for myself, which is finding a place to live and child care for my son.
That's all for now! Love you lots!!!!
Good luck living with your friend Eva. She's about as unstable as a ticking time bomb. Did you know she planned to get knocked up? She trapped this guy! How could you possibly want to be friends with somebody so capable of such low morals?
Her own friends turned their backs on her. Don't you think theres a pretty good reason why?
Thank you for sharing your opinion. I however do not have that experience of Eva and her "low morals". How she got pregnant is all a story. The point is she IS and those women who choose to rearrange their lives to bring a child into this world do not deserve friends like you! And "trapped" is a story. Is anyone "trapped" here? The father of her child has a choice to participate or not. He actually gets to choose. No one is behind bars "trapped". I would rather be friends with a woman who has the strength & courage to do what it takes to raise a child knowing that the father may or may not participate than be friends with someone like you--who apparently has too much time on his/her hands to make a comment on my blog. I get that you didn't have the balls big enough to have such an opnion without leaving your name. Thanks for sharing!
I used to live with her and the only story being told is the one shes telling you.
I dont need to sign my name now do i?
Or continue to hide...I really don't care. Please stop posting on my blog unless you have something that will make a difference.
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