Thursday, August 6, 2009


Well, this is certainly NOT a recent picture, in fact it was exactly a month ago...I'm now behind on photos because I am 29 weeks along....just a week over 7 months! This was the last time I wore this cute purple dress! Booooo whooooo!!! :-) Doesn't look the same with gigantic boobs and a belly like it did when I was in shape, toned and tiny!! Those days are only weeks ahead!! You know, they say that women are pregant 9 months. WRONG...with all the calculations, a woman is actually pregnant--full term--TEN MONTHS! It's nearly a year!

Anyway, I'm all moved in and wanted to share some of the photos. I'm in the beginning stages of decorating. I've been piecing it night by night. My roommate Eva has no idea where I get my energy from. I know listening to friends for years through their pregnancy, that they always had the common complaint, "I'm so exhausted, tired etc". I have only had moments of it. I feel the best I've ever felt. Now, in the beginning, the hormones were my complaint. I had no idea who had invaded my body but when I had violent thoughts of killing people due to episodes of rage and upset, I clearly knew I was not myself! I don't know how many women really tell the truth about their hormonal moments, but let me just say, I am on the other side of it for the most part and thankful that the friends who experienced me in my monstrous moments...Erik and James, thank God you saw through it and still love me! ;-)

Well, I want you to know that my mother is hosting a baby shower for me in Maine on September 13th at 2:00p.m. I think I'm just as excited as I would be if it were a "surprise". There's still the wonder and looking forward to it all---and then there's dealing with the reality that soon, I will be totally responsible for another life! I can't wait! I've been training him in utero that he's 100% responsible for his happiness! So, when he's crying, I will hear it like he's being responsible for his happiness! The last couple of nights he's been keeping me up with his restlessness. I've been singing "lullaby and good night, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm"....I don't know the words but I hum it. It seems to settle the little peanut down and helps me sleep a little better!

Anyway, enjoy the pics! I'll update when I have something a little more current!

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