Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Universe Has Spoken:

Act with faith, Tonya. Prepare the way for your inevitable success. To the degree you can, behave as if your dreams have already come true, as if you already owned a car and health, as if later today you were going to have a fabulous career. And you shall see the power you wield as the floodgates begin to tremble, the elements begin to conspire, people in your life begin to change, insights are summoned, comprehensions soar, and clarity is born.
Not to mention fierce, wild animals laying down when you pass by - The Universe

I get these every morning when I wake up and I read them and don't really think to much about them. Today, however, when I received this, I was already in action sending out another 15 resumes! I read this and thought, "Well, this actually speaks to me and what I'm committed to creating". I was inspired by it and thought I would share it with all of you. ;-)

I have been known by many people in my life that when I put my mind to something, I make the unimagineable happen. I'm reminded of my strength and power today. Over two years ago, I got a divorce. I left my beautiful home, put my stuff in storage, gave 2 months Notice to Evergreen Dental and declared moving to Boston and finding a job. I did this without even knowing what I'd be doing for work. That's when I chose being on staff at Landmark Education. During those months before I moved, I had my truck broken into---over $1000.000 worth of stuff stolen out of it--mostly clothes. I was staying between Forrest and Justine's, the bed in the basement of Club-E and sometimes at home with my parents (only becuase they lived an hour away from where I worked). In the face of all those circumstances, my life worked. It wasn't glamorous. It wasn't the "Martha Stewart" life I was leading but you know, I DID IT! I took on my life and creating moment by moment how I wanted it to go.

Two years later, I'm faced with being a single mom, no job, having to locate a new place to live and all of this by August 1st! It's like TWO MONTHS away! I looked within myself and said, "You've done this before, what are you going to create"? That's when I declared that I will be living in Salem, MA near the water, with a job that I love and money that I want to make. Now, I don't know how to make it happen but I do know that I have everything I need to make it happen. And, I also have my parents who would love nothing more than for me to move back to Maine. At least I'm not going to give up without a good challenge and taking this on!

My request is that you listen to me as UNSTOPPABLE, POWERFUL and someone who makes things happen! :-) Do you accept?

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