One of the areas that I took on was THE STORAGE UNIT!!! (Can you here the music from Star Trek---Daaaahhhh....Dahhhhhh). It's a 10X10 of my personal things STACKED to the TOP---and this is only ONE of TWO!!!!!!!! My parents have been asking me to come to Maine to take care of this and stop paying rent and put it at their house. Well, the last thing I've wanted to do for nearly two years is deal with my divorce, leaving my job in Maine, saying goodbye to friends and family. I gave my word to my family that I would come up and do this before I went to NY for 2nd weekend. Which meant, declaring my past complete. So, to keep a long share short, things that have historically not moved are now moving. I enrolled my family, my sister's boyfriend and one of her friends to come empty the storage unit and take it to my parents. For the last two days, I have powered through my things and it is done. I have experienced FREEDOM---not making myself wrong for the divorce, POWER---doing what I said I was going to do, PEACE OF MIND---knowing that this is no longer hanging over me and FULL BLOWN SELF-EXPRESSION---sharing myself with my family!
You've got to get that anytime I came home to do this, I'd go to the storage unit, open the door, see the heap of boxes and totes, experience anxiety, get emotional, start crying and not want to deal with it, as I closed the door, went home and told my parents I'd have to do it another weekend. The freedom I have gotten by creating the possibility of being courageous, literally moved mountains of my stuff. There was no anxiety, no getting emotional, and no dealing with it. I have spent the last 2 1/2 days laughing, enjoying time with my family and moving forward with my life!
It's amazing what unfolds when you honor your word and be CAUSE IN THE MATTER! Here's to creating a new future!
Thank you Mom & Dad, Kari, Paul and Laura---for your help, your love and your support!
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