Dinner for The Duchess...
So, this weekend, I made a trip to Maine...the main purpose was my parent's anniversary and to see some of my friends. Even though it's been more than a year since I made it to the mid-coast area, Melissa remembered my most favorite dish from the Black Bull...Sesame Chicken with Balsamic Emulsification dressing! YUM! So, she sent Shawn out to get the necessary fixings and prepared a FABULOUS meal!!!
And let's not forget the wine!!! We ended up staying up until 3:30 in the morning. We learned all sorts of new things at Urban Dictionary , like "crop dusting", the "Tony Danza". Some of it was so disgusting all we could do was laugh. At about 4:00a.m., I had to crash on the couch becuase I needed to rest my eyes a moment while they decided it was time to make the eggs...yes, the eggs, not the donuts, the eggs. Ya, these were the eggs I never ate because I fell into a deep sleep. :-)
Anyway, it was an amazing time visiting and I'm thankful for my friends!!! THANKS GUYS! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!
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