I was laughing so hard in this picture because my sister, Laura, said, "Ok, sayyyyy...Happy Thanksgiving"....instead of "Cheese". It may not be funny to anyone else but my thought was, "How can you spit all that out without being caught in the picture talking". ANYWAY...this year we were invited to Bo's for Thanksgiving. With Gram being gone, our family tried on a new tradition and good times were had by all!!!
My mother fell on black ice on Tuesday and broke her arm...boooo. :-( I came home on Wednesday and baked pies and peeled little onions all night long and into Thursday morning. I couldn't believe how exceptional the pies came out, given I do not LOVE making pies. I made Apple, Pecan and Chocolate Cream Pie...and NOT out of the box!!! I was up until 11:45p.m. pealing 3 big bags of onions to make boiled onions (a tradition of Gram's). We packed it all in a car and drove to Bo's. The food was AMAZING and everyone sat down and enjoyed each other's families!
Gabby decided she was NOT going to watch the football game but play football! She takes right after me as a child. I was such a Tom-boy. I'll never forget the year I wanted the Midnight Max Rider...which was a remote control car that when on, the headlights turned on!! YAY! This year for Christmas, Gabby doesn't want any dolls....she wants a remote control car!!! Too fun!
So this is a picture of my parents and a tribute to my grandmother for bringing my mom into the world!!! My parents are celebrating their 36th year of marriage!!!!! It's such an amazing love story....and I'm going to share it to the best of my recollection!My mother met my father and fell completely in love. She kept seeing him all over town and then they went to the Drive In. My mother tells the story that during the movie at the drive in, it started to shower/rain. So, my father, of course, turns on the windshield wipers. She continues to go on that my father stopped the windshield wipers (when the rain stopped) such that it blocked her vision from seeing the movie clearly. (wink, wink) The only choice appeared to either move closer to my father or sit closer to the door.....(LAUGHING). Let's just say, that after 6 months of dating, my father proposed to my mother. They got married November 11, 1972 and have been loving each other since (with a few bumps along the way). They managed to raise three amazing, beautiful daughters, give us everything we ever asked for and still continue to love and cherish us today! I chose to come and visit to be a part of the celebration! My parents have missed me dearly since I've moved and was working insane hours a week without the flexibility I use to have to just "stop in and visit".Thanks Mom and Dad, for giving me all of your love and embracing my worst moments with compassion. Although it can NEVER be said enough, I love you with every ounce of my being...even when I'm not around as much as you'd like! :-) Happy Anniversary! Wishing you another amazing year of love, passion, peace and radiance!
So, this weekend, I made a trip to Maine...the main purpose was my parent's anniversary and to see some of my friends. Even though it's been more than a year since I made it to the mid-coast area, Melissa remembered my most favorite dish from the Black Bull...Sesame Chicken with Balsamic Emulsification dressing! YUM! So, she sent Shawn out to get the necessary fixings and prepared a FABULOUS meal!!!
And let's not forget the wine!!! We ended up staying up until 3:30 in the morning. We learned all sorts of new things at Urban Dictionary , like "crop dusting", the "Tony Danza". Some of it was so disgusting all we could do was laugh. At about 4:00a.m., I had to crash on the couch becuase I needed to rest my eyes a moment while they decided it was time to make the eggs...yes, the eggs, not the donuts, the eggs. Ya, these were the eggs I never ate because I fell into a deep sleep. :-)
Anyway, it was an amazing time visiting and I'm thankful for my friends!!! THANKS GUYS! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!
So, my birthday extended over a month because I finally made it back to Maine!!!! Justine made me my favorite....chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting!!!!! The cupcakes were YUMMY and little Sam waited patiently all day for me to arrive so that he could have one.
This is THE most adorable picture I have yet to take of this little guy! He also misses NOTHING (a lot like his father), so you've got to watch everything you say because he's a little mocking bird. It definitely gets you present to how much of a potty mouth you can be as an adult when there are little ones running around! Ha, ha, ha!!! Anyway, it was a great time seeing Forrest & Justine and celebrating my birthday with the gang! Thanks guys for being in my life and always using Sam to get me to move back home!!!
I love you all! :-)