Not much to report. I've been working crazy hours the last few weeks and have some time off at the end of the month. Yippee! A Saturday!!! You'd think it was a week the way I say it. Work is going well...it's the worst of time and the best of times. I haven't decided if I really LOVE or HATE it. I'm always on either side!
I got to catch up with Peter from Club-E. He was down here last Thursday night and we closed the Bell & Hand. I was bringing in all the broads. They were after ME, not him! That is a shock! :-) It must be that I looked like a lot more fun....he, he, he! He was down here for a dental convention and I was able to save my break and get out of work early to meet him! We had funnnnnnnnn!!! Thanks Kristin!!!! :-)
Melissa came down a couple of weeks ago and we partied like ROCK stars. It's just so energizing to see people! It's also nice when they come down here w/ my schedule....so thanks for making it happen!!! Yeah!!!
Anyway, I'm off to eat some food! I have to put some weight on my body. I'm getting too thin!
I love all of you!!!
Fatten up, darling! Or you will get wrinkles too soon!
Come to Santa Fe and I'll feed you!
Love you, Your "Other Mother!"
P.S. Remove your License #!
Good to hear from you!
Love you....many hugs,
Your Other Mother!
It was great to catch up on your life a bit! You ARE getting WAY too thin!!! :) I'll make you a skillet cookie - that'll help. Michelle is getting married this weekend so I'm crazy but if you're still around on Sunday, let's plan to get together!! Let me know... I have to pick Rylee up in Bangor but after that I'm all yours! :)
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