Not much to report. I've been working crazy hours the last few weeks and have some time off at the end of the month. Yippee! A Saturday!!! You'd think it was a week the way I say it. Work is going well...it's the worst of time and the best of times. I haven't decided if I really LOVE or HATE it. I'm always on either side!
I got to catch up with Peter from Club-E. He was down here last Thursday night and we closed the Bell & Hand. I was bringing in all the broads. They were after ME, not him! That is a shock! :-) It must be that I looked like a lot more fun....he, he, he! He was down here for a dental convention and I was able to save my break and get out of work early to meet him! We had funnnnnnnnn!!! Thanks Kristin!!!! :-)
Melissa came down a couple of weeks ago and we partied like ROCK stars. It's just so energizing to see people! It's also nice when they come down here w/ my schedule....so thanks for making it happen!!! Yeah!!!
Anyway, I'm off to eat some food! I have to put some weight on my body. I'm getting too thin!
I love all of you!!!