Tonight was my parents 37th Wedding Anniversary and they invited Jamieson and I to enjoy an evening out with them!!! This was pretty much the scene...sleeping! :-) This is one of the BEST pictures yet that I have taken of my parents with Jamieson. All I can see in this photo is just how proud they are to have this little guy in their lives! And, he's sporting the socks that my mother made him!! Too cute!
Happy anniversary Mom and Dad!! I acknowledge you both for your love, committment and dedication to each other over the last 37 years. Thank you for being two AMAZING parents and giving life to three wonderful daughters!!! I love you both!!! xoxo
I love this picture...he looks like he's wondering if I think he's as handsome as Tom Brady!!! ;-) My mother found this out shopping one day! I love it!!! Now I need to find him a #12 Jersey!!! Guess it's a trip to Patriots Place!!! :-) He's got to have it when we go to Rob and Andrea's to watch the Superbowl! It's a 2 year tradition to go and hang with them!!! This year, we'll enjoy having the peanut with us to make it more interesting!!!
Jamieson had four different Halloween "Costumes" to go through for the day and the photo above was a top that actually glows in the dark!!! The one below is just stinkin' CUTE!!! We started celebrating Halloween with Auntie Justine and then ended with Uncle Rob and Auntie Andrea!!!