If this isn't "classic" Madonna, I don't know what is. Anyway, Melissa and Shawn surprised me this year for my birthday...went WAY over-the-top buying tickets to see Madonna in Conert. YAYYYYYY!!!!!!So, Melissa comes down from Maine, I pick her up...we go out to eat. We get to the Garden and to our seats. We discovered that clearly the seats were not appropriate for our viewing and we decided to make our way to the lower parts of the stadium. :-) That's when we met this couple who told us that the seats we were sitting in were not going to be the seats that we end up in. They were going to get us closer to the stage. Sure enough, we ended up about 50 feet from the stage!! I asked the usher that brought us to our seats, how much they cost.....$2500.00! Ya! That's right, $2500.00. I was not going to complain...in fact I had no reason to.
This is such a GORGEOUS picture of both of us!!! Anyway, Melissa made fun of how much of a trance I was in watching Madonna. I couldn't believe my eyes! A rockstar that I grew up with through childhood, listening to her music, dressing like her, was now right in front of me. I got really present that she is just another human being like me who declared a long time ago that she was going to be a rockstar! Here she is today!!! It was an amazing concert but the evening did not end there!

We walked to the North End to a favorite hang out of mine...where Peter was SUPPOSE to meet us after the Sox game. He never made it. We watched the last home run that had the Red Sox win being in the world series! Then, as we're leaving, some random chick tells me my outfit is hot and I asked her if she would like to post on a motorcyle that I found on the road. She accepted and then took off into the night....don't know her name, only her face.
Melissa and I finally made it back to the car...after a pit stop on some embankment talking to a complete stranger about life. The "night" ended at 4:30 in the morning and good times were had by all!!!
Thanks Shawn & Melissa! I had a lifetime of fun that night! Even if I was mezmorized by Madonna. :-)