Hey Tonya,
Tuesday was one of my hardest , sadest days of my life...I had to put Yukon down, it happened overnight. All of sudden he was acting wierd and the next morning Mark went home to check on him and called me at work to tell me that he had gotten worse and wouldn't get up.
I left work, took him immediately to the vets' by strecher. She (Vet) said his gums were white, and that it's usually bleeding... he probably had a tumor that ruptured and possibly bleeding internally. So they did blood work and xrays...the xrays showed gray in t helungs which means fluid of some sort. They withdrew the fluid, if it was clear they could have helped him but it was blood filling his lungs, and there was nothing they could do. So, I spent time with him, then held his face in my hands while they gave him the fatal shot and watched his eyes fade. I told him I would see him on the other side. It tore me up inside but he went peacefully. He was just so exhausted...it was time to let go.
He was my baby since I was 23, he was 14 1/2 years old! I knew this day was coming but he was pretty fine untill 2 nights ago...just quite an unexpected blow...he didn't really ever grow "old".
I was looking through old picts yesterday at home to help. I hold his collar to hear it jingle
I miss him...
Talk to you soon nic
I got this from Nikki a couple weeks ago and everytime I went to post a tribute to Yukon I got really emotional. I know the sadness of losing a pet and it's taken me 8 years to finally get rid of Loki's cat bowls. My sister will get them Christmas morning.... Anyway, Nikki, I wanted to add him and your note to my blog because it is so real.
Peace & Love Yukon!